Comparison of the Marital Five Needs Based on Choice Theory in Couples and the Relationship between These Marital Needs and Marital Satisfaction

Reza Borumand, Kurosh Mohammadi


This study has been conducted to compare the marital five needs based on choice theory in couples and the relationship between these marital needs and marital satisfaction. The research method was descriptive - correlational. Research population was couples participating in family education courses in Bandar Abbas city. Sample included 30 couples (60 individuals) of those who were selected from the available sample. Data collection tools were the questionnaire of marital needs based on choice theory (Sahebi scale) and Enrich marital satisfaction questionnaire. In order to compare the marital needs of the wives and husbands t-test was used for independent groups and MANOVA analysis was applied. Pearson correlation coefficient test was used to calculate the correlation of the spouses in the division of needs consistency and needs inconsistency and also marital satisfaction consistency and marital satisfaction inconsistency. The results of the present study showed that in all five marital needs there is a significant difference between the men and women. Women’s need for love and fun are significantly higher and men’s need for survive, power and freedom are significantly higher. Results also showed that there is no significant relationship between marital satisfaction and marital needs in couples.

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