The Role of Common Landscape in Creating Participative Behavior to Implement the Landscape

Iraj Soltani, Vahideh DelBahari


According to intensity ever-increasingly of changes, managers must endeavor to maintain their competitive advantage by creating a dynamic flexible inter-organizational environment and appropriate changes in landscapes and inter-organizational factors and they must adjust the organization with varying environmental conditions. One of the most important research tools in this regard is participative landscape. The research is a descriptive research based on data collection method and Spearman' correlation coefficient was used to test the existence of relation between the variables and being significance of estimated models. Statistical population is all employees working in Islamic Azad University in Hamedan Unit which equals with 480 participants. 118 participants as sample were selected using simple randomly sampling and Cochrane coefficient. In this research, the obtained data was analyzed using SPSS software. The results indicate that there is a positive significant relationship between common landscape and participative behavior. According to significance level, participation in decision (0.713), adoption of goals (0.581), public engagement (0.567), continuous improvement of process (0.555), dutifully (0.527), making healthy work setting (0.521), commitment and responsibility (0.511), spirit of teamwork (0.468), have significant relationship with landscape, respectively.

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