Surveying the Relationship of Participative Management on Resistance to Change in Islamic Azad University of Gonbad Unit

Iraj Soltani, Mojbata Ranjbar


One of the main challenges in strategic planning and strategic management is to participate voluntarily people during formulating and executing strategic decisions. Employee's participation increases recognition throughout the organization, enhances creativity, improves staffs' responsibilities and reduces resistance to changes. Thus, the study tries to survey the relationship of participative management () on resistance to change among employees working in Islamic Azad University of Gonbad Unit. This study is correlation – descriptive research and 182 questionnaires were distributed using simple randomly sampling method among the employees. Tow questionnaires of participative management and employee's resistance were used. Cronbach's alpha coefficient was used to determined reliability coefficient of questionnaire. There amount were 0.78 and 0.88 for above questionnaires. Because these amount are bigger than 0.7, so they will be accepted. Descriptive statistics consist of frequency table, mean and standard deviation and in inferential level; path analysis and confirmatory factor analysis were used in structural equations. The results indicate that there is a negative significant relationship between cooperation, human relations and participation opportunity (as elements of participative management) and resistance to change.

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