Personality Traits and its Ensuing Variance on Moral Competency in the Indian Youth

Bipin P Varghese, S. John Michael Raj


Moral development is one of the most important events of the process of socialization in life span of an individual and it is through moral development, that an individual becomes an identifiable part of the society. Day to day human interactions and interpersonal activities involves a number of moral decisions and moral information processing in the mind. Moral information processing in the human mind is influenced by various factors and the personality traits are one of the major factors that have a detrimental influence on moral competency. Moral competency is the measure of the consistency of moral behavior of a person and moral behavior is the behavioral response to a moral stimulus or situation which is generally considered as ‘right’ or ‘good’. The big five personality traits are studied to have significant influence on the moral reasoning and moral judgment and the present study explores the relation between each of the five personality traits with moral competency in the selected sample of Indian youth. Present study infers that there is a significant relation between Extraversion, Agreeableness and Conscientiousness of the big five personality traits with Moral Competency.

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