The Relationship between Stress and Job Exhaustion (Case Study: Zone A Supreme Audit Court)

Javad Baghian, Nooraldin Noori, Mohsen Bojari


The term job exhaustion is called to fatigue caused by the pressures at work, work nature, symptoms and modes of atrophies of power, frustration and isolation of the employees. This way working loses its meaning and someone who has suffered from job exhaustion feels depressed, chronic fatigue, becomes aggressive and in relationships, to some extent, becomes paranoid and cynical, and mainly this negativity will be remained. Based on the comprehensive review of studies on the relationship between stress and burnout related information is extracted from the population. So after a comprehensive review of studies on the relationship between stress and exhaustion related information is extracted from the target population. For gathering Data of this study, two standardized questionnaires on job exhaustion and stress were used. To statistical analysis of the questionnaire, descriptive and inferential Topics are used. Descriptive statistics including frequency tables mean, standard deviation, and the level of understanding of structural equation modeling, including confirmatory factor analysis [CFA] and path analysis has been used. The software used for data analysis is SPSS version 18 software package LISREL version 8.54 software package under Windows. The result of hypotheses of this paper describes that, there is significant relationship between all independent variables in this study, including the nature of work, working time, organizational policies, rganizational positions, personal factors, environmental factors associated with job exhaustion as the dependent variable.

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