A Study of Effects of Teaching Resiliency to Spouses of the War-Disabled on Marital Adjustment and Intimacy

Eghbal Zarei, Maryam Sadeghifar, Fatemeh Ghiasi


Resiliency is defined as one's flexibility against the neighboring injuries and the ability of patience and adjustment to the problems of life and victory over them. Therefore, it is expected to play a considerable role in the couples' adjustment and intimacy in family relations. The purpose of this research is to study the effects of teaching resiliency to the spouses of 8-year Iran Iraq war disabled on marital intimacy and resiliency. The current research was quasi-experimental with pretest-posttest design and a control group. The sample consisted of 30 of Bandar Abbas spouses of disable Affiliated with Markyrs and Self-Sacrifiers Foundation in Bandar Abbas, selected through simple random sampling and then divided into an experimental and a control group. The experimental group was trained resiliency in 9 sessions. For data collection, Locke – Wallace Marital Adjustment Test (LWMAT) and Walker & Thompson Intimacy Scale were used. Data analysis, using covariance analysis, demonstrated that training resiliency is able to increase marital adjustment (P=0.02, F=5.65) and intimacy (P=0.03, 4.86) in the experimental group, compared to the control group. The findings of this research develops the current knowledge in terms of the effects of resiliency in marital relationships and includes some operational implies to the development of some training programs suitable for marital relationship improvement in the families of the war-disabled.

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