Relationship between Satisfying Psychological Needs and Resilience in High-school Students in Dezful Town

Hossein Kaydkhorde, Ghavam Moltafet, Mahbobeh Chinaveh


This study aims to investigate the relationship between satisfying psychological needs and resilience. This is a correlation study and statistical sample is high school students in Dezful provinces in academic year 2012-2013 that 379 students (183 male and 196 female) were selected with random multi step cluster sampling. Conner-Davidson resilience scale and Gardia, Deci and Ryan's need satisfaction scale were completed and their validity and reliability were confirmed with Cranach alpha. Multiple regression analysis results showed that need for autonomy and capability have positive and significant effect on resilience. In sum, findings of study provide good evidences for effect of satisfying psychological needs on children resilience.

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