Comparative Study of Metacognitive Beliefs and Creativity between the Students who had Addicted Fathers and those who did not have Addicted Fathers

Mitra Vafaii, Hossein Zainalipour


This study aimed to investigate and compare metacognitive beliefs and creativity of the students who had addicted fathers and those who did not have addicted fathers in 2012-2013 academic years. The method used in this study was descriptive. The type of the research was causal – comparative. The statistical population of the study included all the students who had addicted fathers and those who did not have addicted fathers. These students enrolled in the school in Bandar Abbas city in 2012-2013 academic years. The sample size of the study was considered as 150 participants (75 students with who had addicted fathers and 75 students who did not have addicted fathers). The sample was selected using multi-stage, stratified and simple random sampling methods. In this study, two standard questionnaires including metacognitive beliefs (MCQ-30) questionnaire and Torrance creativity assessment questionnaire were used. The collected data of the research was analyzed using SPSS software version 19 as well as several statistical methods including Multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA), analysis of variance in MANOVA context and regression analysis. The results of the analysis of collected data of the research showed that there are significant differences between metacognitive beliefs and components of metacognitive beliefs of the students who had addicted fathers and those who did not have addicted fathers in Bandar Abbas. The components of metacognitive beliefs included uncontrollability and danger of thoughts, positive beliefs about anxiety, cognitive awareness, cognitive confidence the need to control thoughts. In addition, the results of analysis of collected data of the research indicated that there are significant differences between components of creativity (extension, innovation, flexibility) of the students who had addicted fathers and those who did not have addicted fathers in Bandar Abbas. However, no significant difference was found between fluidity component (relevant to creativity) of the students who had addicted fathers and those who did not have addicted fathers.

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