Relationship between Mental Well-being with Job Performance and Quality of Life Among Shahid Rajayi Port Employees

Narges Vijeh Ravari, S. Abdolvahab Samavi, Eghbal Zarei


This study aimed to investigate the relationship between subjective well-being and quality of life for employees with job performance. The present study is a correlation study. The method of data collection in this field of research is using questionnaires. The sample size of 200 subjects using Cochran's formula was considered that these numbers were selected using simple random sampling. In this study, the following questionnaires were used: Subjective Happiness Scale and PANAS, Job Performance Questionnaire (assessing supervisor) and the World Health Organization Quality of Life Questionnaire. The results of the analysis showed that: Positive affect components of subjective well-being , quality of life , approximately 5.2 % of the variance is explained , negative affect components of subjective well-being , can explain approximately 1.9% of the variance in quality of life , positive affect components of subjective well-being approximately 5.9 % of the explained variance in job performance to be components of negative affect approximately 2.5 % of the variance in subjective well-being and job performance can explain the components of subjective well-being ( positive affect and negative ) can be simultaneously estimated 6.1 % of the variance in overall quality of life and explained the components of subjective well-being ( negative and positive affect ) can simultaneously altogether approximately 7 % of the variance in job performance explained.

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