Studying the Effect of IEP Teaching Method and Task Process Method on the Self-esteem and Academic Achievement of the Students with Learning Disabilities

Najmeh Hajhasani, Hossein Zainalipour, Eghbal Zarei, Fatemeh Moridi


This study aimed to examine the effectiveness of IEP teaching methods and task - process method on the self-esteem and academic achievement of the students with learning disabilities. In this study, 26 primary school students with learning disabilities were selected and divided into two control and experimental group. The control group was trained using task-process method while the experimental group was trained using IEP teaching method. The research design was developed as two pre-test and post-test by comparing the results between the control and experimental groups. The statistical method used in this study was the analysis of covariance. The results obtained from this study showed that the effect of the factor on the subjects is significant. In other words, the IEP teaching method used to train the experimental group had a greater effect on the self-esteem and academic achievement of the student compared to the control group in which the task - process method was used for training.

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