A Study on the Relationship between Self-Efficacy of Teachers Dimensions, Classroom Management Techniques and Teachers' Job Satisfaction

Ali Akbar Sheikhi Fini, Hossein Zeinalipur, Fatemeh Bandari


This study aimed to determine the relationship between self-efficacy of teachers’ dimensions, classroom management techniques, and their job satisfaction. A total of 90 elementary school teachers of Jask city, including 58 women, equal to 64 percent and 32 male, equal to 36 percent of the sampling were selected based on the available sampling method. They simultaneously answered the questions of teacher efficacy questionnaire, teacher’s classroom management strategies questionnaire, and teacher’s job satisfaction questionnaires as research instruments. Obtained Data from the questionnaires was used by applying descriptive and inferential statistical techniques such as frequency, frequency percentage, mean and the standard deviation. In order to test the research hypotheses inferential statistical methods of Pearson and stepwise regression correlation coefficient was use. The results of correlation coefficient test between teachers’ efficacy and classroom management strategies showed that regard to r = 0.221 and p =0/3 there is no significant relationship between self-efficacy of teachers and classroom behavior management. Regarding r = 0.192 and p =0.2 also there is no significant relationship between efficacy and instructional specific techniques. However, regard to r = 0.405 and p =0./02 there is a significant relationship between self-efficacy of teachers and the strategies for working with parents, regard to r = 0.499 and p =0.005 there is a significant relationship between self-efficacy of teachers and planning and support. The results of this study indicated that teachers’ efficacy is not able to predict the classroom management strategies and their job satisfaction. In other words, teachers’ efficacy cannot be a direct effect on classroom management strategies and their job satisfaction.

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