The Relationship between Measures of Attachment in Adults and the Marital Conflicts Resolution Styles among the Married Teachers

Rooholah karamiboldaji, S. Reza Fallahchai, Eghbal Zarei


This research was performed in order to investigate the simple and multiple relationships between measures of attachment in adults and the marital conflicts resolution styles. Correlation was applied as the research method and the statistical sample included 285 married teachers who were chosen through random multistage cluster sampling and answered The Experience in Close Relationship Reviewed (ECR-R) and Rahim Organizational Conflict Inventory–II (ROCI–II) questionnaires. Simple statistical correlation and simultaneous regression were used to answer the questions of research and determine the share of each one in prediction of the application of different styles to resolve marital conflicts. The achieved results showed that the attachment dimensions of anxiety and avoidance have a significant negative relation (p<0.001) with the styles of marital conflict resolution such as integrating and compromising while the anxiety dimension has a significant positive relation (p<0.001) with conflict resolution styles such as obliging, dominating, and avoiding. Another result indicated that measures of attachment can properly predict the conflict resolution styles in marital life.

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