The Role of Emotional Intelligence and the attributional styles in predicting life satisfaction of teachers in primary school

Tahereh shabani, Eghbal Zarei


This study aimed to investigate the role of emotional intelligence and attributional styles in predicting life satisfaction of teachers in primary school. The population consisted of all teachers in primary school in Bandar Abbas. The sample of 316 participants (250 female and 66 male) were selected using stratified random methods based on Cochran formula. This is a descriptive correlational study and data collection conducted using questionnaire 1- Emotional Intelligence, 2- attributional styles and 3- life satisfaction. The results show that components of emotional intelligence (self-awareness, Inhibition of emotions, optimism) are considered as significant positive predictors for life satisfaction. Emotional intelligence (social skills) was not considered as significant predictors for life satisfaction. Among the components of attributional styles (internal and external causes, general and specific causes) are significant positive predictors for life satisfaction but not considered a stable and sustainable component of attributional styles are predictor of life satisfaction. Emotional intelligence attributional styles are considered as positive predictor of life satisfaction.

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