The Comparison of physical health, psychological health, social relationship and environmental condition in Active & Inactive Elderly People

Majid Vesalinaseh, Mahmoud Sheikh, Rasoul Hemayattalab, Fazlollah Bagherzadeh


The aim of this study was to compare the physical health, psychological health, social relationships and environmental condition of elderly people with different levels of physical activity in Tehran. This study was descriptive - analytical and causal - comparative, which was done through field. For this purpose, 272 resident of Tehran (124 men and 148 women) aged over 60 years were selected randomly in public places throughout the city and interviewed by Examiners. Participants must be able to do normal daily activities and did not have any illness or particular physical and motor disabilities. Global Physical Activity Questionnaire (GPAQ) was used to measure the level of physical activity. World Health Organization Quality of Life – 26 (WHOQOL-BREF) was used to assess quality of life aspects such as physical health domain, psychological domain, social relationship domain and environmental domain in older adults. The results showed that There is no significant different between aspects of quality of life in elderly people with different levels of physical activity. The results of this study indicate significant role of physical activity as a leisure & recreational activity in promotion of elderly quality of life.


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