Sociological Analysis of the Immigration Consequences on the Social Distance of Citizens

Ahmad Ali Asadpoor, Nasimeh Jahangiri Zarkani


This study investigates the phenomenon of immigration and its impact on immigrant households in Bandar Abbas. The aim is to determine the changes in the economic, social and cultural status of immigrants and the influence of migrants from various environmental aspects in different social, moral, welfare and attitude forms in comparison with native people. The final analysis of the study was conducted on 384 families, including 200 male and 184 female (native of Bandar Abbas) as the control group among households in Bandar Abbas. The results based on bi-variate analyses of tau-Kendall and Pearson's tests indicate that there is a significant relationship between social mobility and social status of immigrants. Also, there is a significant relationship between the change of moral status of immigrants and natives. In the time of path analysis, the effects of variables on the immigrant’s status variable and then the reassessment of the person on the effect of reverse immigration and durability is been studied. Explaining immigrant’s Ĥ and finally hypotheses have taken place based on functional and classical perspectives of migration.

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