Comparison of Self-esteem and Academic Achievement of Deaf Students in the Fifth Grade Primary School with Comprehensive and Ordinary Plans
The present study aimed to compare self-esteem and academic achievement of exceptional
students involved in comprehensive plan with those not involved in this plan. This was a causal -comparative
study with respect to subject matter and objectives. The samp le consisted of 36 deaf students of the fifth grade
primary school in Hormozgan Province among which 18 subjects were involved in comprehensive plan while
18 subjects were involved in ordinary plan in exceptional schools. The student's records were used to  collect
data on academic achievement while Coopersmith Self Esteem Inventory (1967) was used to collect data on
self-esteem. The results showed no significant differences between mean scores of both variables. Results of
analysis of the main second hypothesis showed that the correlation coefficient between self-esteem and mean
academic achievement of the students involved in comprehensive plan was not significant at (α=0.05) level. In
addition, the correlation coefficient between self-esteem and mean academic achievement of the students
involved in comprehensive plan was not significant at (α=0.05) level. Â
Keywords: Self-esteem, Deaf students, Exceptional student education, Comprehensive plan.
students involved in comprehensive plan with those not involved in this plan. This was a causal -comparative
study with respect to subject matter and objectives. The samp le consisted of 36 deaf students of the fifth grade
primary school in Hormozgan Province among which 18 subjects were involved in comprehensive plan while
18 subjects were involved in ordinary plan in exceptional schools. The student's records were used to  collect
data on academic achievement while Coopersmith Self Esteem Inventory (1967) was used to collect data on
self-esteem. The results showed no significant differences between mean scores of both variables. Results of
analysis of the main second hypothesis showed that the correlation coefficient between self-esteem and mean
academic achievement of the students involved in comprehensive plan was not significant at (α=0.05) level. In
addition, the correlation coefficient between self-esteem and mean academic achievement of the students
involved in comprehensive plan was not significant at (α=0.05) level. Â
Keywords: Self-esteem, Deaf students, Exceptional student education, Comprehensive plan.
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PDF 40-45References
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