The Relationship between Adult Attachment Style, Communication Patterns and Marital Intimacy

Shekoofeh Dadfarnia, Zahra Meidani, Nahid Amouei


The studies showed that various factors are of importance in  forming intimacy in
marital  relations.  Hazen  and  Shower  stated  that  the  initial  relationship  experiences  are
generalized  to  adult  relationships  especially  romantic  ones  with  spouse.    This  study  aimed  to
investigate  the  relationship  between  attachment  styles,  communication  patterns,  and  marital
intimacy in Yazd married people. The research design was a descriptive correlation. A sample of
120 couples from Yazd 20-50 year old couples (with at least 6 months from the time they were
living together) were selected via convenience sampling. Data collection tools included the adult
Attachment Scale (AAS), Communication Pattern Questionnaire (CPQ), and the Marital Intimacy
Questionnaire.  The  findings  showed  that  mutual  constructive  and  mutual  avoidance
communication  pattern  can  predict  marital  intimacy.  Also  predicting  marital  intimacy  on  the
basis  of  attachment  styles  is  significant.  The  result  of  this  research  can  help  us  to  know  the
reasons and factors effective on spouses` intimacy to render the suitable strategies.
Keywords: Attachment Style, Communication Patterns, marital intimacy

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