The Effectiveness of Group Logo Therapy on the Increase of Social Vitality and Life Satisfaction

Ali TaqavaeeNia, Tahere Keshavarz


The effectiveness of group logo therapy on the increase of social vitality and life satisfaction of the wives of the martyrs in Shiraz was studied in this research. The statistical population of the study consisted of all martyrs' widows in the city of Shiraz. The sample consisted of 40 patients who were selected by simple random sampling among the participants whose scores were one standard deviation below the mean and were assigned to two test and control groups. Tools used are the Psychological Well-being Questionnaire of Ryff and Oxford Happiness Scale. The design of the research is experimental field with pretest and posttest and control group, and the trial intervention (group logo therapy) was conducted on the test group for 10 sessions of 90 minutes once a week after the random selection of the test and control groups. After completing the training program, both groups were assessed by the posttest and the covariance (ANCOVA) was used in order to analyze the data. The results showed that the group logo therapy has caused the increase of psychological well-being and happiness of the test group compared to the control group.

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