ACT Treatment on Increasing Psychological Well-Being and Decreasing Avoidance Behavior in Adolescents with Illness Disorder in The Post-Corona Era

Maryam Soleymanfarokh, Zahra Masihi, Maryam Nasri, Seyed Abdolmajid Bahrainian


This study aimed to explore the efficacy of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) in enhancing psychological well-being and decreasing avoidance behaviors in adolescents with illness anxiety disorder during the post-corona era. The research utilized a semi-experimental pre-test-post-test design with a control group. 30 adolescents with illness anxiety disorder who were referred to a psychological and counseling clinic in Tehran in 2021-2022 were randomly assigned to two groups: experimental (15 individuals) and control (15 individuals). The results of the multivariate covariance analysis indicated that acceptance and commitment therapy led to a significant increase in psychological well-being scores and its various dimensions (independence, mastery of the environment, personal growth, positive relationships with others, purpose in life, and self-acceptance). Additionally, the results of the one-way covariance analysis demonstrated that acceptance and commitment therapy effectively reduced avoidance behaviors in adolescents with illness anxiety disorder during the post-corona era. It is likely that fostering acceptance and desire, emphasizing values, and committing to them contributed to the improvement in psychological well-being and reduction in avoidance behaviors among adolescents with illness anxiety disorder in the acceptance and commitment group. These findings suggest that acceptance and commitment therapy can be beneficial in enhancing psychological well-being and addressing avoidance behaviors in adolescents with anxiety disorders.

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