Comparing Behavioral and Mental Problems in Children Born through Natural Birth and Cesarean Section

Fatemeh Ashian Jooneghani, Horiya Mahmoodi Beram


This study aimed to compare the behavioral and psychological problems in children born by natural birth and cesarean section in Iran. The sample size of this research was 1133 individuals (642 cesarean and 491 natural birth), who were selected through convenience sampling method. The data collection tool for behavioral problems was the Rutter questionnaire, collected through direct interviews with the parents. The results indicated that the type of birth (natural or cesarean) has an effect on children's behavioral and psychological problems. The p-value for each of the problems such as social maladjustment, antisocial behaviors, inattention, aggression and hyperactivity, depression, and anxiety was less than 0.05, showing a significant difference in observed behavioral and psychological problems.


Behavioral And Mental Problems; Social Maladjustment; Antisocial Behaviors; Inattention; Aggressiveness and Hyperactivity; Depression and Anxiety; Cesarean Section; Natural Birth

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