Acceptance And Commitment Therapy in Reducing Experiential Avoidance and Increasing Awareness In 20–40-Year-Old Women with Social Phobia

Zahra Masihi, Maryam Soleymanfarokh, Maryam Nasri, Mehdi Rezaei, Seyed Abdolmajid Bahrainian


Examined acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) for reducing experiential avoidance and increasing awareness in women with social phobia disorder. Social phobia can impact negatively on quality of life of individuals. Participants were assessed at baseline and three-months post-baseline. Clinically significant changes were observed in the group that received ACT. This study examined the outcome acceptance and commitment therapy in women with social phobia disorders treated in community mental health clinics. A total of participants (range of 20-40 years) with a principal diagnosis of social phobia disorders were evaluated on average, 3-month post-treatment. Outcomes included reducing of experiential avoidance, increasing and changes in social phobia symptoms. A significant difference between the mean post-test scores of the study group and the control group. In other words, acceptance and commitment therapy resulted in a significant decrease in avoidance scores and a significant increase in awareness scores in 20–40-year-old women. (p<0/05). The outcomes of this trial will inform clinicians whether ACT to reduce in experiential avoidance and increase in awareness for women with social phobia is likely to improve outcomes.


Acceptance and Commitment Based Therapy; Experiential Avoidance; Consciousness; Social Phobia Disorder

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