Mediating Role of Self-Esteem in The Relationship Between Early Maladaptive Schemas and Sexual Ideologies of Couples in Tehran

Nahid Alahyari


Based on the theoretical foundations of quality of life, early maladaptive schemas as dysfunctional cognitions resulting from childhood are among the underlying or inhibiting factors that predispose a person to dissatisfaction with life and consequently reduce quality of life. Quality of life and the reasons for its decline among couples have also drawn the attention of most psychologists to early maladaptive schemas. Early maladaptive schemas lead people to negative events, and the reason for the events may be the result of certain psychological characteristics, including self-esteem, which in a person's life leads to a decrease in quality of life. Therefore, the present study investigated the mediating role of self-esteem in the relationship between early maladaptive schemas and sexual ideologies. Therefore, the present study investigated the mediating role of self-esteem in the relationship between early maladaptive schemas and sexual ideologies. This research was applied in terms of type, descriptive in terms of method. The statistical population of the study included all couples referring to counseling centers in Tehran in the age range of 24 to 45 years living in Tehran that 100 couples were selected by convenience sampling method. A questionnaire including early maladaptive schemas, gender ideology scale and self-esteem scale were used to collect information. For data analysis, the relationship between variables was correlated and regression using SPSS software and AMOS software for structural equations for path analysis. The results showed that the existence of maladaptive schemas is one of the main causes of stress and disruption of marital life in terms of sexual ideologies. maladaptive schemas can significantly predict gender ideologies and self-esteem; Self-esteem can also significantly predict gender ideologies. maladaptive schemas are related to gender ideology through self-esteem.

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