Predicting Consciousness Based On Initial Maladaptive Schemas and Schematic Mindsets in Psychology Students

Iman Bonakdar Sakhi, Anis KhoshlahjehSedgh, Maryam BahramiHydeJi


Context and Purpose: this research was to predict mindfulness through early maladaptive schemas and schema mentalities among psychology students of Karaj Azad University. Method: the present research plan was the design of the present study was quantitative, correlational and predictive. The statistical population included all psychology students of Karaj Azad University. The studied sample included 250 people were selected by available sampling method from the study population The questionnaires used in this study included MAAS Consciousness Questionnaire, Yang Schema and SMI Yang Schema Mentalities. Results: The test results show that early maladaptive schemas and schematic mindsets predict consciousness (P≤0.05).  Overall conclusion: Finally, it can be stated that disability and shame, vulnerable child and indifferent self-comfort can predict the level of consciousness, so that increasing the score of the person in this scheme will reduce consciousness. And the relationship between mindfulness and the mindset of a healthy adult is positive, so that increasing a person's score in this mindset will increase the likelihood of mindfulness.

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