The Effectiveness of Teaching the Communication Elements of Satir Theory on the Mental Weakness of High School Girls

Elham Rezania, Malek Ghorbani


The aim of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of teaching the communication components of satir theory on the mental weakness of high school girls. The research method was quasi-experimental and a pretest-posttest design with a control group was used. The statistical population of the study consisted of all female high school students in the academic year of 1998-1999. The sample consisted of 30 students who were selected by screening and available sampling method and after matching were replaced in two groups of 15 experimental and control. Satir's communication approach was taught to the experimental group twice in 7 sessions of 120 minutes per week in 7 sessions, while the control group did not receive any training. The research tool was the Minnesota Multidimensional Questionnaire (MMPI) which was completed by students in both groups in the pre-test and post-test stages. Analysis of covariance was used to analyze the results. The results showed that there was a significant difference between the mean scores of mental weakness, tendency to use drugs and tendency to insecure sexual behavior of students in the experimental group and the control group in the post-training phase (p≤ "0.01"). Also, there is no significant difference between the mean scores of smoking tendency, alcohol tendency and tendency to friendship with the opposite sex of students in the trained group and the control group after training (p> "0.01"). Therefore, it can be concluded that the training of satir communication skills in students of the trained group has a greater effect on reducing mental weakness, drug use and insecure sexual orientation than the control group and has an effect on smoking, alcohol consumption and tendency. He has not been friends with the opposite sex.

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