The Relationship between Birth Order and Excitement in Third Grade Adolescents

Maryam Moradi, Shima RajabzadehGoli, Razieh YousefiMoghaddam


The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between birth order and excitement in Quds high school adolescents in District 7. The research design is post-event and the research method is comparative and through available sampling, 30 high school students in Karaj were selected from in District 7 of Karaj (Iran). The research instruments were Zuckerman Emotion Test Questionnaire and Cambridge and Ritchie Questionnaire or Assertiveness Questionnaire. The research hypotheses were tested using the analysis of variance test method. The results of the study showed that the hypotheses of the study about the effect of birth order on the level of assertiveness or excitement of students were not confirmed.

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