Dissemination Strategies of Iran's National Curriculum in the Present and Ideal Situations in the Perspective of the Related Planners and Authorities

Mir Zeynal Abedin Barkheh


Applying of an effective method for promoting the National Curriculum and making it formal and accepted as a part of the current culture, with the use of internal and external capacities of educational system, is one of the mandatory implications of the curriculum implementation in Iran. This curriculum with its all implications is running now and the planners expect that, with the help of adopted strategies, pave the way for optimum dissemination of this curriculum. Some available evidences signify that this process has faced with a couple of challenges. The aim of the current  research is study and investigation of some strategies in dissemination process of Iran's National Curriculum in the present situation and also analysis of the Ideal and favorable condition in the eyes of its planners to provide some clues for an efficient dissemination for the national curriculum of Iran in the best way. The research methodology is qualitative and precisely concentrates on Glaser's Grounded Theory. The field of the study was National Curriculum planners and authorities who were selected through semi-structured interviews using purposive chain sampling congruent with theoretical saturation. Interviews were conducted individually and were encoded precisely. After the tenth interview data was saturated but for more validation it was continued up to fourteenth. Analyzing of information was according to the subjective encoding. Validation of the findings was gained through three-coordination models and to increase its reliability in a previously planned way, with giving required instructions interviews were conducted in an appropriate place in terms of interview conditions and away from any bias imposing or specific comments. The results demonstrated that the implemented strategies in dissemination of Iran's National Curriculum in the present situation were focal-oriented and faced with the unilateral management.

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