Changes in Drunken Punishment and Psychological Instability Caused by Drinking or Drug Use in the Islamic Penal Code of Iran

Fereshte Talebi, Roza Memari


Any behavior, such as the verb or the abandonment of the act specified in the law for that punishment, is a crime. Crimes generally have common components that do not belong to each one. In fact, legally, in order for human behavior to be a crime, there are three pillars necessary and obligatory. The responsibility or lack of responsibility of a drunken person for the crime of committing it during drunkenness is in the field of criminal law. Therefore, it is fundamentally necessary to understand the types of crimes committed by the drunk, as the constituent parts of it. Considering the excessive use of alcohol and drugs in Iran and the harmful effects of using these materials on social life and public order, this paper examines the legal developments that have taken shape in recent years to reduce and control this problem in Iran.

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