Assess the Satisfaction of Athletes Injured in the Hormozgan Province of Sports Insurance
This research is performed by the purpose of assess the satisfaction of athletes that suffered from sports insurance in Hormozgan province. This study is descriptive- survey and its statistical population considered all the suffered athletes that have sport insurance from the medical and sports federation. The statistical populations were 47 individuals that to collecting the primary data used to questionnaire that constructed by researcher and have 24 questions. Measurement scale is in type of five option Likert scale, and validity of the questionnaire was under the supervision of relevant experts (specialists), and Chronbach’s alpha formula was used to reliability test that was approved by 87% amount, and secondary data obtained from the library research and Internet research. Statistical analysis performed using the SPSS and Excel software. Results of research showed that athletes had undesirable satisfaction of insurance costs, diversity of services, access to health care, administrative processes and acceptance of insurance with physician, and had desirable satisfaction of receive compensation time and insurance issuing agent behavior, and had moderate satisfaction of federation employee behavior .
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