A Comparative Study of Colloquial Language Utterances in Three Persian Translations of English Novel by McCrimmon’s Model

Atieh Bana Khojasteh, Vafa Nadernia


This study aims at investigating the strategies employed by different translators to translate colloquial language utterances in novel translation from English to Persian. The colloquial were extracted from the English novel The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemmingway and also their three Persian translated versions. The selected samples were analysed to detect their adaptation with five characteristics of the colloquial language presented by McCrimmon model (1963). Then the selected samples were classified into five different categories of colloquial language as presented by the model. Then the samples were studied to detect the strategies employed by the translators. The analysis of the samples shows that the following strategies were employed by the translators to render the selected novel: omission, addition, colloquial translation, synonymy and expansion.

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