Capital Structure and Return on Equity in the Banks Accepted in Tehran Stock Exchange

Bijan Abedini, Zokvan Imani, Ozra Baranzadeh


The present study has investigated the bank’s area. A review of the research literature suggests that much research has been done in this area. The study subject is the examination of the relationship between capital structure and profitability of banks accepted in Tehran Stock Exchange. Assumptions were developed using research variables. The statistical population of the study is the banks accepted in Tehran Stock Exchange. Given the smallness of the study population and because the number of observations will become less than acceptable in quantitative research if sampling, the entire population is used as the sample . Library research method is used and in terms the goal it is an applied research. For analysis of the results, Pearson regression and correlation are used. Results indicate that the three leveraged variables influence on the return on equity, but there is no statistically significant relation with the size of banks.

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