Critical Thinking Disposition of Fifth Grade Students: The Effect of Exploratory Teaching Method in the Science Class

Korosh Nozari, Fatemeh Saffari


The purpose of this study was to examine the impact of exploratory teaching method on the Critical Thinking Disposition. By using a quasi-experimental design, data are gathered from pre-test and posttest. Population of the study consisted of 329 (153: girls and176: boys) students. For selecting the samples, elementary schools identified from different areas of Isfahan city. Then, based on controlled demographic variables, schools were selected and finally 56 students were allocated to experimental group and 56 students were allocated to control group. The data gathering tool included California Critical Thinking Disposition Inventory (CCTDI) with 34 items (three areas of critical thinking skills including Analysis, Structuring data and Self – confidence). The content validity of questionnaire was determined using the specialist`s views and the reliability of the questionnaire was estimated 0.93 using Coronbach`s Alpha method. Data analysis was performed using SPSS23 software. Data analyzed at two levels of descriptive statistics and inferential statistics. Results showed that there was significant difference in the grades of critical thinking skills for both groups which were taught based on traditional and exploratory teaching methods (P≥0.05). Exploratory methods resulted in significant differences between control and experiment groups. Therefore, it was concluded that the exploratory teaching method influenced the analysis skills of the students. Adjusted mean scores of analysis component suggested that control group has lower analysis skills in comparison to exploratory group.

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