Bank's Civil and Criminal Liability (responsibility) against a Cheque Holder

Leila Yazdani


By definition, civil liability (responsibility) means that there is civil liability (responsibility) wherever a person is liable for damages. Civil Liability (responsibility) Law Adopted on April 26, 1960, has no definition of liability (responsibility) and the liability (responsibility) of the individual is subject to the will or fault of any natural or legal person, whether public or private. Therefore, everyone is responsible for their own actions and behaviors, and organizations and legal entities are no exception. Banks also have civil liability (responsibility) as a legal entity for their continuous interaction with natural and legal persons and if they cause loss or damage to persons, and they shall be liable for damages. Banks may, in some cases, cause damages to customers during their interaction with their customers by issuing internal bylaws and regulations. To this end, banks also have criminal and civil liability (responsibility) as legal entities. The present research was conducted through a library-documentary approach, which evaluated in the field of bank's civil and criminal liability (responsibility) with the Cheque holder. The results indicated that the bank is required to pay the Cheque holder, issue a notice of non-payment, observe due date, and so on. The present study deals with library research and studies in this field.


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