Evaluation of the Educator's Experiences from Curriculum of the Art in Farhangiyan University According To Eisner's Connoisseurship and Criticism Model

Zohreh Hamzehlou, Mohammad Hosien Yarmohammadian, Narges Keshtiaray


In Eisner's point of view, educating is an adventurous reaction of the teacher to the arisen results of encountered situations in the class. It is, in fact, a process which demands a strong artistic bedrock. The current study was conducted in order to evaluate the educator's experiences from curriculum of the art in Farhangiyan University according to Eisner's connoisseurship and criticism model. Research approach is quantitative, of its phenomenological type, and on the basis of Eisner's theory. The participants of this study were art educators of Farhangiyan University who were selected through semi-structured interviews using purposive sampling, congruent with theoretical saturation. In addition to this, a direct observation of Art classes was carried out by the researcher precisely. The data analysis was according to the coding method and its reliability and validity were acquired through three-coordination model. According to the results, educators' experiences were classified in two categories of positive achievements and negative challenges. Findings indicated that unfortunately the professors have not been able to take advantage of the potential content of Art and its four artistic approaches, as it should. Furthermore, Art's insignificancy among other curriculum subjects had an impact on teaching it practically. As the research shows, lack of adequate expertise in this field, lack of appropriate artistic time and place, lack of student-teachers' awareness of art as an important subject and its fundamental role in teaching other courses, and lack of authorities and educational planners of Farhangiyan University's attention to this worthful subject, and using of some inexpert professors, with irrelevant majors and no experience, as art educators as well demonstrate the fact that there is not enough attention to the Art subject and its planning curriculum in this educational and academic place.

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