Training Responsibilities Drunk and Drinking Alcohol in the Iranian Penal Code

Fereshte Talebi, Roza Memari


From a legal point of view, punitive penalties are imposed on the perpetrators of the crime, which is held to be punishable by criminal law. To fulfill a criminal responsibility, it is not enough to do conduct, It's the behavior of the perpetrator Must Cause by free will and self-conscious of him. Therefore, special attention to drunkenness is necessary as one of the causes of the impediment of criminal responsibility - which distorts the power of consciousness and will (intellect and discretion). It is important to understand the nature of the drunkenness and how to commit a crime in terms of its constituent parts, as well as determining the responsibility or non-responsibility of the perpetrator. This article, while investigating the offense of being drunk and Psychosocial imbalance due to drinking alcohol or drug use In the Islamic Penal Code of Iran, The will, and the intentions of the drunk person, how the crime was committed by him And the scope of criminal responsibility and punishment By analyzing and reviewing legal material.

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