The Effect of Multiple Intelligence on Entrepreneurship at Islamic Azad University in Iran

Farhad Nooraie, Mohammad Salehi, Taraneh Enayati


The purpose of present study is considering the effect of organizational, spiritual and emotional intelligence on entrepreneurship at Islamic Azad University in Iran. Entrepreneurship is a process that has led to creation of satisfaction or new demands; in the other word, it is process of value making through creation of a unique set of sources for taking advantage of opportunities. Entrepreneurship and intelligence are two superior characteristics which is hidden among organizations' members. Regarding the importance of this issue and purpose of it, present study is explanative, correlation type. Statistical society of present study included scientific boards of Islamic Azad University in Iran. In 2016, 119 members were selected accidentally among 181 members of scientific board. To gather data, following questionnaires were used: organizational intelligence (Albrecht), emotional intelligence (Brad Berry and Greaves), spiritual intelligence (Linda) and entrepreneurship (Robbins). After validity confirmation through content validity method, questionnaires stability was measured by Alpha Cronbach; these amounts were α= (0.88) for entrepreneurship questionnaire, α= (0.87) for spiritual intelligence questionnaire, α= (0.84) for emotional questionnaire and α= (0.91) for organizational intelligence questionnaire. Obtained data were analyzed through explanative and inferential calculations (Pearson correlation coefficient). The results showed that organizational intelligence, emotional intelligence, spiritual intelligence affected entrepreneurship.

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