Social Issues in Iran and Effect of Modernity on It

Mohsen Baghaei, Rahmatollah Gharakhani


As social modernization expanded in Iran, social damage also increased rapidly, although only one could The cause of social issues is one of the most influential factors in modern times. Modernity by providing a way The new life and the change in values and norms have contributed to the spread of abnormalities and social issues. The purpose of doing This research studies the effects of modernity on social injuries. The research was carried out using a documentary (library) method The required information was collected through valid sources and then analyzed. The results of the research show That modernity has spread social issues in Iran. These include suicide, immigration Marginalization, divorce, poverty and unemployment, sexual deviations and addiction. That does not mean modernity, of course Their formation and expansion, but one of the important factors in expanding and intensifying these issues.

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