Application of Novel Chemistry in Forensic Medicine

Khodadad KhodadadiDashtaki, Nastaran Bahrami


Forensic chemistry is a field of chemistry containing various branches of chemical science such as analytical, organic and inorganic chemistry. Besides, the new studies of chemistry in accordance with the nanoscience have been also employed to detect forensic facts. Among them, the methods related to analytical chemistry were more attended for forensic applications. Analytical chemistry as the both of classical and instrumental techniques are used in numerous fields of forensic chemistry including drug detection, biological samples of blood, sperm and urine, identification of fake documents, fingerprint, poisons, and gunshot residues. Hence, the coupling of separating techniques, spectroscopy, and computational data has opened a beneficial view rather than the forensic chemistry and its applications for crime scenes. In the present report, some of applications of forensic chemistry for numerous facts were studied as a reviewable investigation.

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