Evaluation Suitability of Subheadings Postgraduate Course Environmental Geology and Educational Needs of Students
The purpose of study is Evaluation Suitability of Subheadings Postgraduate Course Environmental geology and educational needs of students. The statistical population consist of postgraduate students of geology trends of environmental geology in the public and Islamic Azad University in Iran which 180 persons. Sample size is 123 subjects. The sample method in this study is multi-stage cluster sampling. Result showed that Based on the data summarized in Tables, the average scores obtained subheading for appropriateness the learning needs of students, for six lessons and for items needed presented as follows:
(1). for study environmental geochemistry is 3.80 to 2.25, (2). For environmental management and sustainable development 3.22 versus 2.17, (3): to study Medical Geology 3.31 against 2.33, (4): for specific topics in geology 3.50 against 2.67, (5): to geological hazards: 3.94 versus 2.33 and (6): for environmental geological of engineering projects 3.77 against 2.35. So the result obtained for the required items higher than average and this reality that the learning needs of students from beyond the subheadings presented.Full Text:
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