The Synthetic Approach toward Ration and Faith in Holy Quran and Explanation of Its Implication for Religious Education of Adolescents

Ahmad Abdolhoseini, Ezatolah Naderi, Maryam Seifnaraghi


There are different views among philosophers of religion in the realm of ration and faith, and the relationship of the two, and they can play a significant role in adopting educational approach. All these views run the gamut between central faith and central reason, with the former viewing understanding of the religious truths possible only through faith and the latter stressing full capability of human reason in understanding religious truths. With a descriptive method, this article attempts to address the issue of faith and ration and their relationship from a different angle, namely the perspective of the Quran. Therefore, after defining the concepts of ration and faith and their features as explained in Quran, the main components of the comprehensive approach of Quran toward faith and ration are elaborated. Finally, pedagogical implications of this comprehensive approach in religious education of adolescents (12 to 15 years) will be explained for parents and educators.

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