Role and Position of the Police in Crime Prevention and Improvement of Lifestyle

Ali Reza Salehi, Yasser Shakeri


Subject and aim: In the contemporary era, due to the development of criminology and introducing the topic of crime prevention, it has been paid attention to the role of the police in this regard. In the criminal law, the basis of criminalizing is loss and the legislator's sentence. Thus, the police must use prevention policies in crime prevention. The main aim of the present paper is to study the role and position of the police in crime prevention and the promotion of lifestyle. Method: The present research is applied in terms of aim and its data is analyzed and collected by library research and through using written resources, books and written and translated papers, internet websites, domestic and foreign laws and some of the implemented projects. The research findings and results: The findings of this research shows that the police should use preventive measures instead of suppressive activities. In this regard, the police must establish a direct interaction with society institutions, especially citizens. On the other hand, if we accept that the integrity of the personality of each person is the result of the lifestyle which he has chosen for himself, then we can realize the importance of lifestyle modification. Teaching civil rights to the citizens is one method by which the police can prevent crime and enhance the lifestyle of the people. Finally, the researcher has proposed key and valuable solutions.

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