The impact of organizational structure on the effectiveness of communication from the perspective of employees in the department of education

Hossein Rahmanseresht, Omar Mahmoudi, Bakhtiar Ghaderi


The aim the present research investigates the relation between organizational structure and effectiveness of communication. The research methodology is survey and correlative. All employees of Mariwan Education Organization were chosen as the statistical population that 92 persons of them were chosen through Sampling Morgan Table. The questionnaire was used to collect data. Experts’ view and Cronbach’s alpha were used for the validity and reliability of the inventory. Research data were analyzed by SPSS17 and LISREL 8.50 Software's. Statistical methods of Pearson correlation and structural equation modelling were used to analyze the data. The research results showed that organizational structure has a direct and positive relation with ineffective communication. Also results showed that centralization, complexity and formality had the most influence on ineffective communication in current research sample respectively. In other words with increasing centralization, complexity  and formality communication (diagonal ,horizontal, upward  and downward) in different level of organization become ineffective.

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