The Interrelationships between Technological Creation Models and Innovation in Extensive Organizations

Masood Moghadas


Nowadays, global competition has greatly increased the rate of technological change and the environmental turbulence, and systematic and fundamental changes have been gradually made in a way that companies do for their innovative activities. Especially, the use of internal and external networks by companies with various dimensions has grown significantly. In the meantime, this study was carried out aimed to provide a comprehensive look at the impact of the internal capabilities of Extensive organizations. For this purpose, the ability to technological innovation is considered as the capability of the Air Defense Base for innovation. To put it more simply, this study looks more closely at relationship between the technological creation models (learning Capability, research and development Capability, resource allocation and strategic planning Capability) with a variety of innovations (product innovation, process innovation, and management innovation). Accordingly, this study is an applied research. The data collection method is library method, including: article and referring to scientific sites, a questionnaire was used to collect the information necessary for examining hypotheses and SPSS software was used to analyze the statistics and data (Pearson correlation test and multivariate regression). Then, according to the results, there is a positive and direct relationship between strategic planning Capability (having high ability to identify internal strengths and weaknesses, having high ability to identify external threats and opportunities, etc.), research and development Capability (the suitability of quality and feedback from production to design and engineering, etc.) and the allocation of resources Capability (attach importance to the human resources of the air defense base, etc.) with the components of innovation such as product innovation (suitability of the number of products, etc.), innovation in the process (the suitability of the number of process changes introduced by the air defense base relative to competitors, etc.) and innovation in management (the novelty of managerial systems of the air defense base relative to competitors, etc.) in less than 0.01% of errors and development in this field and in each of the sections under study, will bring innovation and advancement to the air defense base.

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