The Role of Social Capital in Organizational Citizenship Behavior in Governmental Banks of Iran

Ghasem AnsariRenani, Omar Mahmoudi, Bakhtiar Ghaderi


The  purpose  of  the  current  study  was  to  investigate  correlation  between  social  capital and  organizational citizenship behavior in governmental banks of Iran. Used methodology was descriptive- survey and correlation.  Library and filed method was used to gather data.  Measurement tool was mirnaghavi social capital   questionnaire and organizational citizenship behavior standard questionnaire of Podsakoff and Mackenzie.  Statistical society included all formal and contractual employees of Marivan governmental banks that has been reported to have 175 employees from which a number of 120 people were selected by Cochran formula. To determine the validity of questionnaires, the group of experts' idea was used. For the reliability of study tools, Cronbach's alpha method was used which value was 0.726 for the questionnaire of organizational citizenship behavior and 0.702 for the questionnaire of Social capital. In this study relationship between social capital diminutions (structural, cognitive and relational) and organizational citizenship behavior (altruism, conscientiousness, sportsman, civic virtue and courtesy) was proposed. Results  showed  positive  and  significant  correlation  between  social  capital  diminutions and  organizational citizenship behavior.

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