Computer and technology challenges of virtual education

Fatemeh Mahmoudi Sardareh


This study aimed to examine challenges in computer and technology development of professors and experts in virtual education and virtual education courses and students of Bandar Abbas. In this study, 37 effective computer and technology factors in the development of virtual education were identified in 6 categories using survey research. Each of the technological, educational, managerial, cultural/ acceptance of technology, economic and individual factors of the user were ranked by Delphi method after the identification. The statistical population included all professors, experts and students in virtual courses in Bandar Abbas. After determining the sample using simple random sampling method, 200 students, experts and professors were interviewed in two stages. In this study, an open answer researcher-made questionnaire was used as a research tool to discover and identify challenges of the development of virtual education. In the first round questionnaire, the mean and Kendal correlation coefficient of the development factors are calculated and then the items that have mean greater than 4 and Kendal coefficient greater than 5 are considered in the third round of the questionnaire. The data of the second round of the questionnaire were analyzed to answer the Friedman test research questions. Consequently, technological, educational, managerial, cultural/ acceptance of technology, economic and individual factors were in the first to the sixth priorities respectively.

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