A study on the contribution of job characteristics in predicting the desire to stay in job among staff personnel of Hormozgan Medical Sciences University

Zahra Jafari,Hussein Zeinali Poor



This study examines the contribution of job characteristics (job variety, job importance, job nature, job autonomy, job feedback) in predicting the desire to stay in job among staff personnel of Hormozgan Medical Sciences University. The research model that is derived from Hackman and Oldham's model specifies that how one can redesign job so that the employees know themselves and their job important. In other words, they feel being important. The model provides a framework for understanding job matching with other jobs through the interaction of job principal dimensions with critical psychological states of the individual, to increase the desire to stay in the job. This is a correlation study. The sample of study consists of 281 staff personnel of Hormozgan University of Medical Sciences that are selected through random classification method. Research instruments include job knowledge questionnaire (John Wagner) and desire to stay in the job questionnaire 1. All subjects are asked to complete the questionnaires. To analyze the data, descriptive statistics methods (e.g. mean, variance, standard deviation, and frequency) are applied and inferential statistical methods are used to test hypotheses (e.g. Pearson correlation and regression). According to the present study findings, job characteristics can explain 8.3 percent of the variance of the desire to stay in the job. Among components of job characteristics, the variable of job variety can explain 2.4 percent of the variance of the desire to stay in the job, the job nature variable can explain 3.6 percent of the variance of the desire to stay in the job, job autonomy variable can explain 2.8 percent of the variance of the desire to stay in the job, and job feedback variable can explain 7.1 percent of the variance of the desire to stay in the job. The variables of job variety and nature do not have significant contribution to the prediction of the desire of sample subjects to stay in the job .

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