A Study On The Relationship Between Electronic Banking And Customers’ Cost Reduction In Tejarat Banks

Mohammadali Nourmandipoor, S. Habib Maktabi


The present study examines the relationship between electronic banking and customers’ cost reduction in Tejarat banks of Sirjan city. Electronic banking components in this study include: internet banking, mobile banking, telephone banking, retail terminals (pos) and ATM and Smart Desk. The sample size is determined as 384 customers of Tejarat banks of Sirjan city. Using the formula of proportion and volume of customers per branch the sample number is obtained. Data collection tool in this study is a researcher made questionnaire, the validity and reliability of which are obtained 0.91 and 0.79, respectively. In order to distribute the questionnaire, simple random method is applied. Spss software is used to describe and analyze the data collected. Statistical analysis results show that the overall e-banking leads to customers’ costs reduction and each component of electronic banking has a significant impact on customers’ costs reduction. Recommendations for banks personnel and managers are given at the end, for the practical application of the present research results.

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