Study of Gender Equality in Rights and Duties in the Employment Provisions of the International Documents

Rahmatollah Gholamimoghaddam, Mohammadhossien Rajabieh



The right to employment and occupation is one of the fundamental human rights, and this issue has caused governments not only considers the right to occupation for women, but in this regard, set rules for them. Iran's rights do not address precisely and expertly the issue of women's employment and in legislation, equally look has been given to men and women, mostly without considering the specific conditions of women and their maternal position. However, after the Islamic Revolution, efforts took place to eliminate the discrimination. According to the constitution, everyone has the right to the adopt the job which he is willing to and is not contrary to Islam and the public interests and the rights of others, but under other laws, women are barred from taking certain jobs such as judging. "International human rights instruments," including public documents and special documents of women's rights have tried to remove inequalities and women employment discrimination and have attempted to change the social and legal foundations. One of the international documents that dealt with the issue of women's employment is the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against women, which can be described as a set of standards for women's rights and one of the great achievements of the international community. In this paper, we have dealt with the comparative review of regulation of the employment of women in Iranian law and international documents on the rights and duties in a descriptive and analytical method and found that despite efforts taken to improve the employment situation of women's rights in Iran’s law, still there are differences between employment rights and international documents, it is recommended that Iran joins the Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women and reforms women's employment law, and strategies should be adopted to meet women about their rights, including radio and television.

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