Job security position in the light of privatization process in Iran

Naser Babaei, Mostafa Seraji


DOI: 10.20286/jeslm-030257

Privatization is the process by which functions and facilities of public sector at any level is transmitted to the private sector. This study examines the job security position in the light of privatization process in Iran. The method of study is descriptive and analytical and information collection had been done by library method. The hypotheses conclusions were that the acceleration of globalization in recent decades has not only affected employment, but also working conditions. Privatization has had an inevitable impact on the job security of workers and the state of workshops. Thus, by globalization and based on the freedom of import and export, national markets becomes increasingly transnational markets and according to the relative merits of rapid production and circulation of capital, dispersion production in different parts of the world, the production workshops based on location, profitability and less expensive manufacturing will be chosen. The large extent and volume of the work force in the public sector compared with the private sector cause their loss through privatization filter for various reasons. Therefore, the reduction of work force in the time of excess work force is of the obvious effects of privatization on the work force. On the one hand, this problem causes the complete damage of job security of the justified work force and on the other hand, it causes the damage mind peace and increases the stress of the remaining employees as a result of losing their former colleagues.

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