Relationship between Social Capital and religious beliefs among elementary school students

Shahram Hasanzadeh


The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between social capital and religious beliefs among elementary school students in the first educational district in the city of Bandar Abbas in the academic years 2014-15. The study statistical population consisted of all elementary school students in Bandar Abbas. The sample size was calculated based on the Cochran formula as 384 people who were selected by random stratified sampling method. Bandar Abbas was divided into two districts of 1 and 2 in order to choose the sample which was selected randomly from each district. The required information was collected through the field study and actually through direct reference to students. The questionnaires of social capital of Delaviz (2005) and religious beliefs of George (1998) were the information gathering tools. Information collected in the study was analyzed by multivariate regression analysis. Results showed that social capital dimensions explain 75.6% of students’ religious beliefs in the statistical confidence level of 99%. Accordingly, the dimensions of social capital are an appropriate indicator to reinforce students' religious beliefs.

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