Investigating The Level of Strategic Intelligence of Managers and Its Effect on Organizational Forgetfulness in Education in Hormozgan Province

Tahereh Shabani


Due to the importance of strategic intelligence and organizational forgetfulness, examining the level of strategic intelligence of senior managers of education and their organizational forgetfulness is one of the important needs of the educational system, which in this research examines the level of strategic intelligence of senior managers and its impact on organizational forgetfulness in education and Cultivation of Hormozgan province has been discussed. The results of linear regression in this research showed that strategic intelligence plays a role in explaining organizational forgetfulness, as well as the dimensions of purposeful organizational forgetfulness and randomness of organizational forgetfulness, with a confidence level of 99%. According to these results, it should be emphasized that the beginning of the process of change and reform in offices is with the managers, and in fact, it is these managers who determine the organizational behavior and procedures. Managers can plan that organizational forgetting is purposeful.

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